The effect work can have on mental health
A 2020 University of Melbourne study – which followed 1300 workers over 12 years – found that being exposed to poor quality work increased the odds of developing a mental disorder by 30 per cent.
A 2020 University of Melbourne study – which followed 1300 workers over 12 years – found that being exposed to poor quality work increased the odds of developing a mental disorder by 30 per cent.
Psychological injury claims are expected to increase in 2021 with the ongoing stress of living through a pandemic.
When hiring a new staff member it is important to ensure they are able to perform the inherent
requirements of the role and have the required skills, qualifications (applicable to the level of the role) and knowledge to perform the role they are employed to do.
Many WA local governments have waterways within their area, and must work together with other entities – such as the Department of Water, landowners, and state government agencies – to keep these waterways, and the people who visit them, safe.
The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder took strong steps forward in supporting the mental wellbeing of its workforce by expanding the one-day RU OK? Day initiative into a week of presentations, workshops and activities to help staff develop skills and techniques to improve their mental resilience.
When it comes to sun protection things are a little more complicated than SLIP, SLOP, SLAP, SLIDE, SEEK for outdoor workers.
With summer on its way, it’s important to focus on appropriate personal protective equipment
to shield workers from the harmful effects of UV rays while maintaining wearer comfort.
LGIS is currently implementing the
new Principles and Standards released
by WorkCover WA on 1 July, 2020. The Principles and Standards work together – with the Principles outlining the overarching expectations for service delivery in WA, and the Standards prescribing minimum service levels for workers’ compensation providers.
In June this year, a New South Wales court found a fitness centre liable for more than $500,000 in damages over a messy gym floor. Gym goer Jacqueline Powell (42) was left cleaning up weights following the popular “tradies hour” at Dimensions Health and Fitness Centre in Sydney.
In September 2011, five-year-old Tedmund Polglase fell more than four metres through a jetty railing at Coffs Harbour and sustained “catastrophic injuries” after landing on sand.
LGIS is the unifying name for the dedicated suite of risk financing and management services for WA local governments, established by the WA Local Government Association in conjunction with JLT Public Sector (part of the Marsh group of companies). LGIS is managed by JLT Public Sector (ABN 69 009 098 864 AFS Licence 226827).
Risk Matters, via this website, is designed to keep members, their staff and elected members informed on topical risk management and insurance issues and LGIS programs and services.