In accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (and subsequent amendments), we, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd ABN 69 009 098 864 (‘JLT’), being an insurance broker and the managing body for LGISWA, draw your attention to the following:
Our Privacy Policy can be accessed on the LGISWA website ( For further information contact either your account manager or the JLT Privacy Officer:
Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd Level 37, Grosvenor Place, 225 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Phone: +61 2 9290 8000
LGIS is the unifying name for the dedicated suite of risk financing and management services for WA local governments, established by the WA Local Government Association in conjunction with JLT Public Sector (part of the Marsh group of companies). LGIS is managed by JLT Public Sector (ABN 69 009 098 864 AFS Licence 226827).
Risk Matters, via this website, is designed to keep members, their staff and elected members informed on topical risk management and insurance issues and LGIS programs and services.