The power of proactive injury management

Risk Matters - Winter 2024

Over the past few months LGIS has adopted the triaging approach to injury management and it’s already paying dividends – delivering improved outcomes for the injured worker and saving money for the Scheme and members.

Case study 1: Knee surgery avoided

What happened?

The worker injured their left knee with a meniscal tear. Their GP referred them for imaging and surgical review. LGIS intervened and, using a panel provider, did a comprehensive review of recovery options for the injury before the worker saw the surgeon. During this review, the worker received physiotherapy treatment, learned about their injury, and was involved in developing active treatment options. A regular schedule of follow-up appointments was set-up to make sure that recovery was on track.

Following the first session, the claimant reported feeling much better about his recovery and that the knee felt better after the treatment.

When the surgeon saw that the claimant had started conservative treatment (i.e.: physiotherapy, education and active management) he was instructed to continue. Six (6) weeks later at review, the claimant’s lower extremity functional scale had improved from 45% to 97.5%. The worker completed a self-managed exercise program and was upgraded to pre-injury duties.

The outcome

There were significant savings and positive outcomes for the worker and employer. Surgery and associated hospital costs were avoided. The worker was empowered and proactively worked to recover from the injury, regaining the majority of their pre-injury capacity and getting back to meaningful work faster.

In addition, because the RTW process was faster, compared to surgical intervention, additional costs such as wages were saved. On average the recovery timeframes for surgery would have been six (6) weeks unfit and six (6) weeks to return to pre-injury duties with physiotherapist and exercise physiologist services.

Saved: $10,000


This case demonstrates that proactive conservative treatment for musculoskeletal injuries can have an enormous impact on an individual’s health and recovery. Expensive surgery, with long recovery timelines and associated costs can often be avoided by early treatment.

The example in this case study is a serious injury, but the philosophy of conservative treatment first also applies to more minor issues. This is why LGIS, through the injury prevention program provides all members and their staff with access to our Early Intervention Program that connects workers with pains and strains to qualified, experienced physiotherapists for proactive treatment.

Other sections in this season's Risk Matters

Where we’ve been – Winter 2024

LGIS continued with our new workers’ compensation act roadshow, this time educating the northern metro members on the significant legislative changes. Together with WorkCover WA and legal partners Moray & Agnew, we delivered another tailored information session on the new Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act (2023) WA.

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What are the risks associated with an MOU?

Both MOUs and formal contracts are common instruments within the local government sector in Western Australia. However, it is important that members are familiar with significant and often subtle differences between MOUs and contracts as the risks associated with getting it wrong can be costly.

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Case study 2: Mediation and counselling save on complex claim

What happened?

LGIS received a ‘stress’ claim and immediately triaged, providing access to mediation, counselling, and referral to a workplace rehabilitation provider. This was a complex situation and the legal estimate for claim costs was in the order of $130, 000.

What was the outcome?

LGIS invested $7,000 in early intervention services – mediation, counselling and rehabilitation. The claimant returned to the same workplace and the member provided strategies to avoid future psychological injury claims. As is typical in psychiatric injury cases, the member had high risk factors which indicated a potential cluster of stress claims. Total claims cost was $22,000. Early intervention, and further strategies to address and manage the situation have been successful and no further claims have eventuated. Saved: $100,000


This case clearly demonstrates the power of counselling and mediation to address psychosocial hazards in the workplace that can cause psychological injuries. In this situation the issues had become complex and caused injury resulting in a claim. However, even once the claim had been lodged, fast treatment action and proactive initiatives within the workplace avoided a protracted and more expensive claims.

Members don’t have to wait for a claim to occur to proactively identify psychosocial hazards that may lead to an injury. The LGIS psychological safe program includes a range of services from upskilling people leaders, improving individual’s understanding of the role they play plus mediation and counselling services.

Looking to prevent injuries in the workplace?

LGIS has a range of work, health and safety and injury prevention services that members can access to target physical and psychosocial hazards in the workplace. These services include:

For more information about the new Workers’ Compensation Act talk to your WorkCare Claims Consultant. To be connected with the range of LGIS services mentioned in this article talk to your Account Manager or Regional Risk Coordinator, email [email protected]

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Other sections of this season's Risk Matters

CEO’s Message – Winter 2024

Welcome to the Winter edition of 2024! As we wrap up the financial year, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support. We’re pleased to share that we’ve had a complete renewal with an outstanding 100% retention of our membership.

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