QLIKVIEW – Worker’s Comp

Risk Matters - Autumn 2020

Delegated local government employees can view claims using Qlikview. There are separate Qlikview applications for workers’ compensation, property and liability, and general claims.

This guide will focus on the workers’ compensation platform (therefore claims under the LGIS WorkCare Scheme portfolio).

Qlikview laptop

Accessing your claims profile

To access Qlikview, please visit our website www.lgiswa.com.au, You need a member login to access this area of the website (if you do not have a login please select the ‘create account’ button and fill in the necessary requirements and submit). To view your claims profile, select claims and then “View your claim profile”. The dashboard shows a brief overview of total claims over a period of time while detailing their current status.

Dashboard tabs

Claim details

This tab provides a full breakdown of all claims. You can only access claims history from the date your local government joined the WorkCare Scheme – anytime from 1996 onwards. Please note that data will be reflective of any filters you have applied.

Injury analysis

This tab shows you the different types of claimant injuries within your local government. Within this section, you have several subtabs:

  • Time period
  • Number of claims
  • Net incurred
  • Net paid
  • Net rehab
  • Percentage of number of claims
  • Percentage of net incurred
  • Percentage of net paid
  • Claims by decision

Within these subtabs, you can also filter to look at data broken down into the following categories:

  • Bodily location
  • Occupation group
  • Mechanism group
  • Agency group
  • Nature group

LTI analysis

This tab looks at your Lost Time Injury (LTI) data, such as how much time claimants spend away from work due to their injury.

Within this section, you have several subtabs:

  • Number of claims
  • Number of LTIs
  • LTI days lost
  • LTI claims over one year
  • LTI claims over five days
  • LTI average duration

It is important to note that LTI data will only be accurate if the wages have been claimed.

Comparative analysis

This tab can be used to benchmark your local government against similar FTE (full time employee) groups/members.

Within this section, you have several subtabs:

  • Time period
  • Number of claims
  • Net incurred
  • Net paid
  • Net rehab
  • Percentage of number of claims
  • Percentage of net incurred
  • Percentage of net paid
  • Claims by status
  • Claims by decisions
  • Total weeks

Within these subtabs, you can also filter to look at data broken down into the following categories:

  • Bodily location
  • Occupation Group
  • Mechanism Group
  • Agency Group
  • Nature Group

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Both MOUs and formal contracts are common instruments within the local government sector in Western Australia. However, it is important that members are familiar with significant and often subtle differences between MOUs and contracts as the risks associated with getting it wrong can be costly.

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Body part claim bar graph
Most common body part insurance claims

Body map

The body map tab shows the key areas of claimant injuries. Total claim numbers are broken down by bodily location, occupation, gender, and age.

Users can find more detail by selecting one of the areas on the body (note to designer – include image alongside this text). This will filter all the claims with that specific bodily injury.

For example, if you selected the lower back then you can view the number of lower back claims by gender, occupation and age band. You can further analyse lower back claims by clicking on the “LTI Analysis” tab.

To remove a filter, you need to select the eraser.


You have the ability to filter claim information using either of the filter options on both the left and right side of the screen or by using the ‘group filters’. Group filters allow the breakdown of claim information by applying relevant filters specific to the information required. For example, if you would like to see the claims history of ‘body stressing’ related injuries, you can turn on the group filters, select “mechanism group,” then select “body stressing”.

Exporting Information

All raw data of each tab (with the exception of the dashboard) has the ability to be exported to excel, to assist with reporting. For more information, or a more detailed run through of Qlikview and its capabilities, please contact Carrisa Chung, LGIS WorkCare Portfolio Manager, on 9483 8861.

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Local government workers

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