Risk matters, safer WA communities
Local Government Risk Forum | Tuesday 6 September 2022
Exploring emerging and current risks for WA local governments
Local Government Risk Forum | Tuesday 6 September 2022
Exploring emerging and current risks for WA local governments
Long COVID refers to cases where the patient recovers from the acute COVID-19 infection effects but goes on to have longer term symptoms.
The new Work, Health and Safety Act WA (2020) (WHS) changed the definition of a worker to now include volunteers. LGIS members have been seeking clarity on how they can meet their obligations, and what types of protections are included with LGIS membership.
At the end of 2021 local government leaders across Australian ranked cyber-security failure as their number two risk, just behind financial sustainability.
In the last few years, we’ve had rain events which have delivered a tremendous amount of water within a matter of hours. These events are occurring more regularly – shining a spotlight on storm water drainage, planning and management.
Proactive risk management for individual LGIS members and the broader local government sector is at the heart of LGIS’ success.
Bushfire volunteers provide a vital service to our communities, and the work they undertake is often in very high-risk environments.
LGIS members across the state, particularly in the south and Wheatbelt, faced fires which destroyed property and razed the land. Changing environmental conditions will continue to pose significant challenges.
A demanding role. What does it take to be a bushfire volunteer? The LGIS injury prevention team have done the most exhaustive assessment yet of the demands of a volunteer bushfire fighter role.
LGIS is the unifying name for the dedicated suite of risk financing and management services for WA local governments, established by the WA Local Government Association in conjunction with JLT Public Sector (part of the Marsh group of companies). LGIS is managed by JLT Public Sector (ABN 69 009 098 864 AFS Licence 226827).
Risk Matters, via this website, is designed to keep members, their staff and elected members informed on topical risk management and insurance issues and LGIS programs and services.