Where we’ve been
The 2021 LGIS Local Government Golf Tournament, the Broome Board Tour, and the Kimberley Zone and WALGA Dinner
This is a great time to remind ourselves of the risks associated with the delivery of events; approvals, compliance, and enforcement activities; providing venues, equipment, staff or volunteers for events; and sponsoring events within the community.
Remember to ensure that the potential risks from third parties are considered in your risk management plan and that they have the proper licences and insurances.
Local governments may also engage volunteers for community events. All volunteers should receive an induction into the organisation and event which includes but is not limited to hazard identification, incident response, orientation, training and supervision.
Furthermore, on-site safety (in accordance with the appropriate legislation) at your event is vital. Not only is the safety of your community vital, but also that of the workers or contractors helping the event be a success.
LGIS has the unique combination of event, risk management and risk financing skills, which means we are well placed to provide an understanding of those risks enabling you to deliver, approve, facilitate, and support safe and quality events within your communities.
Did you know?
All members of LGIS have access to support and guidance on developing event risk management strategies to ensure stakeholders understand the requirements and their roles in ensuring risks are
mitigated and events are held safely.
This includes review and comments on event risk management plans for events delivered and/or approved by local government.
These services are included as a benefit of Scheme membership.
The 2021 LGIS Local Government Golf Tournament, the Broome Board Tour, and the Kimberley Zone and WALGA Dinner
A substantial amount of a local government’s resources are
connected to its motor fleet. If the fleet has downtime, it can have significant impact on the local government’s diverse range of operations.
The scenario: The worker, Fred Dagg, has worked at the Shire of Westralia as a Plant Operator for 35 years. Fred was an accomplished footballer and cricket player having represented the town at many sporting competitions over the years.
To discuss your risks, please contact your regional risk coordinator or the LGIS risk management team on 9483 8868, for more information on the services the LGIS injury prevention team can provide, please call 9483 8818, or for more information on your cover, please contact your LGIS member services account manager.
As a local government delivering services to your community, any interactions you have with third parties – directly or indirectly – introduces liability risk exposures.
The Containers for Change initiative incentivises community members to recycle. It encourages the community to collect eligible containers, take them to a collection point, and earn a refund of 10 cents for every container.
Manual tasks are performed by all workers within local government, and are classed as physical work activities that can be defined as any activity requiring a person to use their musculoskeletal system.
LGIS is the unifying name for the dedicated suite of risk financing and management services for WA local governments, established by the WA Local Government Association in conjunction with JLT Public Sector (part of the Marsh group of companies). LGIS is managed by JLT Public Sector (ABN 69 009 098 864 AFS Licence 226827).
Risk Matters, via this website, is designed to keep members, their staff and elected members informed on topical risk management and insurance issues and LGIS programs and services.